Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Greetings and salutations!

Monica has officially entered the field of blogging. My blog entitled "Lifestyles of the Passive Agressive" was established because I am becoming bitter as I age and have decided to embrace my need to be cantankerous... in words... hence "passive agressive".

Those of you who know me would not describe me as passive agressive and for the most part I'm not. I am, however, much more eloquent in the written word than in real life. I plan to explore various topics and subjects via blogging and look forward to hearing from everyone.

But mostly I would like to address the passive agressive nature of others. Why do allow ourselves to act in this manner. I am not suggesting that we walk around and slap each other or curse each other (via most reality TV) but why don't we say what we mean and mean what we say?

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